Indonesian Translation

Skrivanek provides high quality language services in 80 languages, including the Indonesian language, or Bahasa Indonesia. A standardized dialect of the Malay language, Indonesian was formally defined as the official language when the country gained independence in 1945. Because a large percentage of Indonesians also speak Javanese, Skrivanek engages linguists with native knowledge of the specific nuances between Indonesian and Javanese.

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Full service

Today, we offer Indonesian translation, along with interpreting and other language services for the Automotive, Medical, Technical, Podcasts, Financial, Legal, Public Sector, Market Research and Marketing industries.

Two of our most requested language services are English-Indonesian translation and Hindi to Indonesian translation. Clients who have attempted to Google translate Indonesian to English quickly realize the value of a language service provider like Skrivanek. We use top-of-the-line MT and CAT tools to guarantee quality and consistency, so the message gets delivered accurately to the target audience.

Professionals in Your Field

Professionalism is the name of our game. We take pride in ensuring that large and small clients have a positive customer experience. Our translators, proofreaders and quality assurance team are equipped with the knowledge, experience and quality customer service to make any language service project a successful one for our clients.

If your next localization project calls for you to translate to Indonesian, Skrivanek can help!

Need professional translation into or from Indonesian?

Give us a call for a free quote.



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