The websites you develop for foreign markets may be beautiful, functional, and complete. But what if they are not Search Engine Optimized (SEO) for your target country? Then it’s unlikely they’ll rank high in online searches there. Will your potential customers in new markets even find the websites you have created in their languages, for their cultures? Our professional SEO translators can make sure they do.
Keyword research
The SEO translation team assigned to your job will begin with keyword research. The goal is to discover what keywords your target audience uses, in their own language.
These will be integrated throughout your texts, metatags, titles, and all other searchable features so that your website will come up more often in online searches. Copy for your website will be written and edited with compact clarity that highlights keyword concepts.
SEO translation experts
The goal is to attract customers and also earn their trust with valuable content. To this end, special features may be suggested to complement strong SEO texts. Infographics, tutorials, lists, and videos all attract attention from people searching the Internet.
The other major aspect of SEO is technical. Our SEO translation experts make sure everything on your website and mobile apps loads quickly and works well. Google gives value to customer experience when it ranks websites. External backlinks are added to bring customers to your website through other channels, such as links from an outside organization’s website. These backlinks are another means of raising Search Engine ranking.
Teams consist of experts
Professional SEO translation teams consist of linguists, software technicians, and cultural and subject matter experts. Every choice made for your SEO translation is with the target language, culture, and specific demographics in mind. This is not a task to be done by translators unfamiliar with SEO or in-house technicians and copywriters who are not professional language service providers.
We are here for you
A great deal of thought, careful strategy, and work goes into professional SEO translation – it is not simple or fast. It takes time and knowledgeable attention to numerous details. The result is a strong foundation for your international marketing that will prove itself to be worth every hour and dollar invested.
Need SEO translation?
Whatever your translation needs – contact us for a quote.