Hungarian Translation

The Hungarian language is spoken by approximately 17 million people in Hungary and other central European countries. Skrivanek is a trusted language service provider for language-related projects, offering both English to Hungarian translation and Hungarian to English translation services.

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Full service

Our experience spans a range of industries, including Automotive, Medical, Technical,  Financial, Legal, Public Sector and Marketing. We also offer translation for general fields.

As a trusted language service provider, we hire only native linguists with industry experience to handle projects involving the Hungarian language. We tie their experience with machine translation and computer-aided translation tools to guarantee the highest quality result for your translation project.


Professionals in Your Field

Skrivanek offers a team of professional team of translators, interpreters and language service experts to produce accurate translations and other language services. Our linguists are well-trained and have native experience that allows for natural localization.

If you have a project to translate Hungarian to English and English to Hungarian, Skrivanek offers full language services and reliable results.

Leave your translation needs in the hands of a professional provider – Skrivanek.

Call us for a quote today.



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