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The Essential Workflow Guide from Skrivanek

The Essential Workflow Guide from Skrivanek

At Skrivanek we are dedicated to breaking down these barriers, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet every communication need. Regardless as to whether your requirements are for informational purposes only (FIPO), translation (T), translation and editing (TE), or the all-encompassing translation, editing and proofreading (TEP), we stand ready to guide and assist you through each phase of your project. Our commitment is to deliver unparalleled quality, leveraging our team’s professional expertise and the latest technological advancements in the industry.

Understanding your workflow needs

For informational purposes only (FIPO): in many scenarios, the objective is to grasp the core message or essential information contained within a document or piece of communication. This is particularly relevant for internal documents, preliminary research or when evaluating the potential of entering foreign markets. Skrivanek offers specialised services designed to meet these needs, ensuring you have the necessary insight to make informed decisions without requiring a full translation.

Translation only (T): our translation services are distinguished by their accuracy and professionalism. We employ expert translators who are native speakers of the target language, guaranteeing that your message is communicated with the appropriate terminology, nuance and cultural relevance.

Translation and editing (TE): this service goes a step further than basic translation. Following the initial translation, a second professional edits the text, enhancing its style, clarity and coherence. This process ensures that the translated content is not only accurate but also engaging and polished, positively reflecting your brand or message.

Translation, editing, and proofreading (TEP): for content that requires the utmost accuracy and fluency, our TEP service represents the pinnacle of quality. This rigorous three-step process includes translation, detailed editing to improve style and clarity, and proofreading to eliminate any errors or inconsistencies. It is the preferred choice for critical documents such as legal contracts, medical documents, marketing materials and official communications.

Why choose Skrivanek?

  • Professional expertise: our team consists of highly skilled translators, editors and proofreaders specialising in various fields. This diversity ensures that we can handle projects of any complexity or niche with the utmost expertise.
  • Advanced technology: we utilise state-of-the-art translation technology, including Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools, machine translation and quality assurance software. These tools enable us to ensure efficiency, consistency and cost-effectiveness in every project.
  • Customised solutions: we recognise the unique nature of each project. That’s why we offer personalised services, adapting our workflow to meet your specific needs and deadlines.
  • Global reach with a local touch: our global operations are designed to cater to the local needs of your target audience. This approach ensures that your message is not only heard but also resonates culturally and linguistically.
  • Commitment to quality: our adherence to ISO certifications reflects our dedication to delivering the highest quality translation services. We follow stringent quality control processes to guarantee excellence in every project we undertake.

Let’s communicate without borders

In a world where effective communication is a key driver of success, Skrivanek is your trusted partner. Whether you require FIPO, T, TE or TEP services, we are here to support you with our professional expertise and cutting-edge technology. Our goal is to facilitate seamless communication across borders, ensuring that your message is understood and appreciated by your global audience.

Contact us now to explore how we can assist you in achieving your communication objectives with precision, efficiency and cultural sensitivity. Let’s elevate your global communication efforts from successful to exemplary together.



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