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Jan Hirs talks about life at Skrivanek

Jan Hirs talks about life at Skrivanek

Skrivanek is celebrating its 25th anniversary and to mark the event we have interviewed some of our key employees continuing with Jan Hirs, Head of Project and Localization Department at Skrivanek.

How long have you been at Skrivanek?

I started working at Skrivanek in May 2014 as a Team Leader for the IPMC and Back Offices departments. Before that, I worked almost 6 years as a Project Manager for international clients at another translation agency. I started working in translation services as a fresh Bachelor’s degree graduate of Faculty of Management at the University of Economics with specialization in IT and practical application of mathematics in economy and management.

Jan hirš

What do you bring to Skrivanek and what does Skrivanek give to you?

Skrivanek has given me an opportunity to show my capabilities and grow professionally, and has provided me with a great space for my career fulfillment.

My primary role is to manage a couple of Skrivanek’s production branches operating in international markets with a turnover of about one third of the total company turnover. The results I am responsible for are not only mine, of course, but are an outcome of the collective effort of all the Project Managers and their respective Team Leaders, who contribute on a daily basis, with a great contribution from the Sales Department on one side and the CAT Support Department on the other.

I strive to give Skrivanek my professional skills and talents in order to keep this figurative ”clockwork“ in perpetual motion and development.

What do you like most about your work?

I really like the feeling of having things in hand, making important and responsible decisions, coordinating things and solving emerging problems. Knowing that I have managed to ”give my best“ ignites the spark of my zest for further work.

I really enjoy being surrounded by people who enjoy their work (from the Project Managers and their Team Leaders to my co-workers from other departments) and give their best to it regardless its nature, difficulty or outcome. I consider this positive type of work attitude very motivating for all involved parties, as it drives everybody to not stay behind in his or her endeavours.

Besides that, I really like the overall atmosphere and the non-corporate culture here at Skrivanek, where some sort of ”respectful approach“ towards the employees is firmly anchored as well as some focus on what is really important in everybody’s work routine.

How does your job affect your general lifestyle?

My position in the company and accompanying responsibilities and competencies require a certain degree of flexibility, which I gladly provide because I really appreciate the work flexibility that is given to me.

My work often includes troubleshooting the emerging (and usually not pleasant) issues, taking part in internal and external negotiations, comprehensive planning, making important decisions and so on. All of these activities require stress resistance, the ability to prioritize and analyze, the ability to be assertive and decisive but also empathic and modest. And to be methodic on one hand but be able to accept a mistake for a bad decision and take responsibility for it on the other. And all of these I find myself applying in everyday life situations without even realizing.

What would you wish the company Skrivanek for its 25th anniversary?

For its 25th Anniversary, I wish Skrivanek lots and lots of employees with the most skill, enthusiasm and motivation possible.

People are the main element of each company. And as long as Skrivanek as an employer is able to tempt and retain these, the eventual business success and prosperity stemming out of the customers‘ satisfaction is the only possible outcome.





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