Yiddish Translation

The Yiddish language is the official language of the Ashkenazim, central and eastern European Jews and their descendants. It is written in the Hebrew alphabet, which makes it one of the specialized languages translated by Skrivanek.

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Full service

We have a portfolio of clients from various industries, including Automotive, Entertainment, Medical, Technical, Financial, Legal, who have used our services for Yiddish translation and interpreting.

Professionals in Your Field

Skrivanek hires native Yiddish speakers to execute our professional language services. Their native ability is coupled with their industry knowledge to ensure translations of the highest quality. Our service is complemented by our use of top-quality MT and CAT tools which allow for accurate and consistent translation.

If you are looking for a language service provider to give you professional translation from English to Yiddish or vice versa, contact Skrivanek today.

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