How long have you been at Skrivanek?
Fifteen years but it feels like two. I’d like to think that I only look 2 years older as well! Nevertheless, working here today is still as enjoyable as it was when I just started.
What do you bring to Skrivanek and what does Skrivanek give to you?
I love to help customers and advise them on the optimal solution for their problems. Skrivanek has given me an opportunity to grow. Every day I learn something new. I realize that sounds like a cliché but which other job would allow me to touch so many fields, from law, accounting and procurement to technology, SEO and Google analytics? I try to give back to the company through my loyalty and never-ending enthusiasm.
What do you like most about your work?
Everyday contact with people, English. Challenges. I love to organize things…it feels so good to see the positive results of my efforts.

Jaroslava Ouzka – news article
How does your job affect your general lifestyle?
It’s wonderful to expect a life where there is a clear line between personal time and work time, but it is many times an unrealistic expectation, I’ve found. When you have strong passion for both family life and career, the two get mixed together from time to time. I can tell you with certainty, though, what my other half definitely doesn’t appreciate: business calls from the USA at 2 in the morning!
What would you wish the company Skrivanek for its 25th anniversary?
The luck of the Irish in hiring only eager, talented and bright people, as we have thus far.