Skrivanek is gearing up to attend Central Europe’s International Engineering Fair (MSV) at the Brno Exhibition Center October 9-13, 2017. In order to make the most of this gathering of 75,000 attendees from all major fields of engineering specialization, Skrivanek is prepared to speak with all corporate visitors who are interested in expanding and improving their international sales. Whether their companies focus on hydraulics, mining, surface technology, power engineering, or any other of the many dynamic commercial engineering fields, Skrivanek has subject matter experts capable of translating and localizing with perfect accuracy.
The International Engineering Fair offers five full days of programming that ranges from tours of the state-of-the art fair booths, to discussions of robotics and automation, to detailed advice about business opportunities in specific countries, such as India, Vietnam, and Laos. Because language services are integral to the success of every global engineering endeavor, Skrivanek expects this conference to bring new connections that will expand our expertise in the field for the benefit of all of our clients. Moving into the 21st century assisting engineering pioneers who wish to expand their global influence is a long-term Skrivanek goal.
Visit us at Stand 16, Exhibition Hall C!
To arrange a meeting, please contact us at