Traduzione fieristica

Sono centinaia i dettagli di cui tenere conto per il successo di una fiera. Che si tratti di ospitare o di esporre, l’anno che precede un evento fieristico è il momento dedicato alla creazione della migliore comunicazione possibile sul vostro prodotto. Skrivanek può aiutarvi a creare materiale multilingue, a prepararvi all’affluenza multiculturale, ad assistervi con la tecnologia di comunicazione in loco, ad adattare i contenuti multimediali, come i video dimostrativi, ai nuovi pubblici di destinazione e a fornire interpreti per agevolare le vostre conversazioni in loco nei giorni della fiera e far sentire tutti benvenuti e compresi.

Vibrant trade fairs

Trade fairs and exhibits are dynamic events that business people plan for and talk about for months and even years. In many industries, the most prominent trade fairs influence industry conversations around the world.

The hosts of trade fairs and exhibits are responsible for the smooth fulfillment of all aspects of the event. When everything is orchestrated successfully, attendance will increase year after year as the fair’s reputation is established and spread by word of mouth. A trade fair becomes a must-attend event within a specialized field when the details are handled so well that thousands of genuine connections are made possible. This requires an enormous amount of work and experience.

Skrivanek can help make sure that work is effective. As a top global language service provider, we will help you meet the needs of international attendees by:

• Translating trade fair ads, programs, maps, exhibit signs, and online materials in 80+ languages.
• Providing cultural consultation to ensure that all participants feel welcome.
• Interpreting for multiple languages on-site during fair days.

Trade fairs open doors to the future

In terms of your career, few opportunities are as helpful as connecting with people involved with your field, both colleagues and customers, all in one place. Networking with other professionals, introducing new ideas, selling products, and building toward a more fruitful future in your field – this is what trade fairs are about.

Before you arrive at a trade fair you will develop your exhibit plan and plot how to make the best impression on visitors from around the world. With all the details involved it can be easy to overlook the fact that when you are actually there among thousands of strangers you will encounter people speaking many different languages. The two keys to success in this trade fair environment? 1) Prepare all of your materials as far in advance as possible, and 2) Plan to have interpreters on site who can answer unexpected questions. Skrivanek can generate everything you need:

• Subtitles for demonstration videos
• Precisely translated, well-designed printed materials in multiple target languages
• Signs, banners, business cards, and other brand items, with unified, multilingual messaging
• White papers, research articles, and other detailed texts in 80+ target languages

At the fair

It can be nerve-wracking to manage all the details involved with trade fair attendance and develop an exhibit capable of capturing a multilingual audience. With a single contact to Skrivanek you can enlist the language support of a team of professionals with deep experience translating and interpreting for trade fairs and other international events. We can help you:

• Think through the cultural and linguistic needs you must take care of in advance.
• Make sure every language detail is perfect before you are swept up in the intensity of the event itself.
• Feel in control and relaxed so you can present your company’s best image and make genuine, lasting connections.

It’s not only enriching and profitable to be part of a prestigious international trade fair – it’s also exciting and it can be a lot of fun if you’re prepared. Erase trade fair anxiety by engaging our support to handle the multilingual, multicultural features of your presentation so you can focus on the core information that no one else knows better.

Skrivanek’s certification and reputation

Skrivanek is ISO-certified and annually ranked in the top 100 of global LSPs by industry researchers Common Sense Advisory and Nimdzi. With our trade fair translation and interpreting experience we know the kind of services you are likely to need to help you generate the most interest and trust through your event. Contact us to discuss the details of your trade fair, exhibit, or other international event and we will give you precise cost and time estimates that we promise to keep.

The full range of our language services is available in over 200 language combinations. Whether you are hosting or attending an international trade fair, when you engage Skrivanek to support your translation and interpreting needs you can stop worrying and start looking forward to your event.

Need a Trade Fair Translation

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